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EPIC TRIBE presents Psyence at Hangover PJ 21 December 2019

EPIC TRIBE presents Psyence at Hangover PJ 21 December 2019

EPIC Tribe , Malaysia's leading and growing Psychedelic Culture, Music & Art collectives returns to Hangover PJ on 21 December for a special celebration of pure underground Psychedelic Trance.





Featuring EPIC Tribe's finest digital shamans - Deeplyana , thesuperglo , Baburs & Damnedge, and they’re asking you dancers to reunite again on the dancefloor for another magical music night.

The usual Epic Tribe family will be there providing music and deco and visual arts installation. Visionary live painting and art gallery from Zeidgeiz, with an alternative market provided as usual by Natural Mystik.

Hangover PJ: D-37-01, Dataran 3 Two Square,  No. 2 Jalan 19 /1, Petaling Jaya

9pm onwards. Admission: RM25.

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