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Publika Shopping Gallery to host first Malaysian Festival of Slow Living

Publika Shopping Gallery to host first Malaysian Festival of Slow Living

Malaysian Philosophy Society, a leading NGO dedicated to making philosophy practical in Malaysia, recently announced its upcoming festival, the "Live-Love-Labour Festival: The Art of Bersantai" which is scheduled to take place on October 21st, 2023 at Publika Shopping Gallery Kuala Lumpur. This pioneering festival has an ambitious aim of redefining the way Malaysians approach life, relationships, and work through embracing the art of slowing down in a world that glorifies constant productivity and busyness.


Why Bersantai?

It is not new information that burnout is taking a toll on the lives of Malaysians. According to the Wellness at Work 2022 report, 58% of workers in Malaysia experience burnout. And a research conducted by Kisi reported last year that Kuala Lumpur is ranked as the third most overworked city in the world, consistently placing in the top 10 over the years.


The solution to this fast-paced, exhausted society is not necessarily therapy or medication, but a fundamental change in our lifestyle - to have the courage to slow down and embrace boredom from time to time.


And the primary goal of the Malaysian Philosophy Society with this festival is exactly to encourage Malaysians to hit the brakes, slow down and have the courage to be bored.


Festival Highlights

Live Love Labour is Malaysia’s first-of-its-kind philosophy-art-style fusion festival that celebrates well-lived lives and greater meaning and authenticity in relationships, work, career, and overall existence.


The festival will feature inspirational talks, experiential workshops on a wide range of themes related to slow living, including philosophy, personal growth, wellness, self-discovery, mindfulness, and more. Experts and leading organisations in the fields of meditation, art therapy, yoga, existential psychology, and more are invited to share their insights and expertise to help more people achieve a higher quality of life.


The event will also feature a special “Santailah” Space Out competition where participants get to truly unplug from the outside world. The competition promises exciting awards, including a one-night stay at the famous glamping site Sekeping Serendah, the coveted "Best Dressed Award”, where participants can dress up in their most creative and relaxed attire and “bersantai”, and “The Most Enlightened Award”. There will be an immersive marketplace where esteemed artisans, thinkers, and creators will showcase their talents, products, and insights into the fusion of diverse cultures and artistic expressions.


The "Live-Love-Labour Festival: The Art of Bersantai" takes place on October 21, 2023 (Saturday)  9am - 6pm at Me.reka Makerspace, Publika KL. The festival is free of charge. For registration and more information, visit here:

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