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Sten Sandell & Paal Nilssen-Love at NBT Jan 22 2018

 Sten Sandell & Paal Nilssen-Love at NBT Jan 22 2018

Sten Sandell was awarded the Royal Academy of Music’s Jazz Award in 2012 with the motivation: “The pianist Sten Sandell is one of Swedish improvised music’s most brilliant, captivating and independent voices.

His musical activities are characterized by a strong artistic integrity, and he has with great consistency developed a characteristic aesthetic attitude that inspires countless musicians.” He has collaborated with Emil Strandberg, Sverrir Gudjonsson, Johan Berthling, Evan Parker, Sven-Åke Johansson, Chris Cutler, Mats Persson, Sofia Jernberg, Carl-Axel Dominique, Mats Gustafsson, Nina de Heney and Raymond Strid, among others.

Sten Sandell + Paal Nilssen Love / Pochades at No Black Tie KL :  22 Jan 2018

Paal was born in Molde, Norway, Dec 24. 1974, and raised at a jazz club in Stavanger, run by his parents and is one of the most profiled drummers in Europe today. He has performed at festivals and clubs in Europe and USA and participated in more than 50 recordings. He runs his own annual festival – All Ears – for improvised music in Oslo, which is an important part of his musical life, and he plans to start his own recording label for vinyl productions. Like Pat Metheny put it in 2002, after having played with Paal at Molde International Jazz festival: “He is simply one of the best new musicians I’ve heard during the latest years!” And after having heard Paal in 9 different settings at the same festival, Down Beat reporter Dan Quelette stated: “His week at Molde proved a revelation: Nilssen-Love is one of the most innovative, dynamic and versatile drummers in jazz!”

Sten Sandell + Paal Nilssen Love / Pochades at No Black Tie KL :  22 Jan 2018

NO BLACK TIE : 17, Jalan Mesui, off Jalan Nagasari, Kuala Lumpur

Admission: RM42. Call 03-2142 3737 after 5pm or visit for bookings.

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